It has been a whole month since I last posted a blog. How terrible is that? I still have my Christmas layout up. I am that guy who doesn’t take down his Christmas Decorations until months after Christmas, but online. I apologize. I could give you all these excuses about how busy I am and how much work school gives me, but….I just did, actually. Anyway, I will try to do better.
You know what freaks me out? Time travel. I can’t think about it for too long, or my brain starts melting out of my ears. As you may know I have a very critical and inquisitive mind, and nothing about time travel ever makes sense to me. Every little change can change EVERYTHING in the future. Every little shift. There are countless tiny little events that HAVE TO HAD OCCURRED for you to even exist, and if one, even one of those things is altered, boom. You’re gone. And no one notices. Nobody notices anything is off, but everything has changed. If time travel EVER exists EVER, then we cannot be sure of anything. Our lives could constantly be shifting. All of the experiences I remember and all the things I’ve done could change if someone goes back and trips over the wrong thing or stands in the wrong place. Each small action has a nearly infinite amount of implications.
One good thing is, though, that time travel provides an excellent excuse for anything. “I had a job, Mom. I was a doctor yesterday, probably. It’s those darn time travelers, always screwing with things.”
“Why are you late to class?”
“Time travelers.”
“Well, I was gonna be on time for class, but some time traveler dropped a napkin, so some guy bent over to pick it up, blocking another pedestrian who then had to slow down for a moment, causing her to cross the street in front of me at the moment that I was at that crosswalk which led to me hit a red light which stopped me from catching my roommate as he was leaving, and that prevented me from learning that he had spilled water on the toaster and shorted out the electricity in our apartment, so I was unaware that my computer was running on battery so when it ran out and shut down, I lost all the work I did on our assignment and had to go to the library and finish it there, and because I was there at that time I ran into an ex-girlfriend who talked my ear off. Most likely.”
In fact, I probably wrote all kinds of sweet blog posts in January, but then – time travel. I will be better about writing in the future, unless time travelers screw that up too.
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