I don’t know what happened today, but everyone on my facebook was either engaged or pregnant. My friend got laid off from his job… It seems all these life changing events were all happening on the same day. I wonder what it is about the beginning of April that makes people make such rash decisions. I guess it will have to remain a mystery.
APRIL FOOLS! Anyway, I am so happy that April is here. April is my favorite month. Possibly because my birthday falls in it. I don’t know. But I love it so. To bad it has to start with such deceit.
Well, I am having a hard time thinking of things to write, so I will post a random rant. A while ago I saw this movie. It was amazing the things I had heard about this movie. Supposedly it was so good it would change my life, or something. I watched it, eager to partake in it’s quality, and was thoroughly disappointed. Not only was it not life changing, I thought it was one of the stupidest movies I had ever seen. Yes, I am talking about Scott Pilgrim.
Now I realize that this may lose me some followers, but holy cow was this movie dumb. I asked all my friends why they thought it was so great and all they could say was, “You didn’t get the references? There were like crazy tons of video game references.” I did get the references. I was not impressed. The REAL video game references were few, and the butt-ton of generic references weren’t that clever. At first I thought I was just stupid and was missing all the references, but then I remembered that I was a HUGE nerd, and there is no way that my friends got references I didn’t. Here is the thing, references are fun, but you can’t make a movie that is totally crappy references. The plot was retarded and made no sense, and the characters were all enormous tools.
If someone would please explain to me why this movie was worth my time, I would appreciate it. I really want to know what it is I am missing that everyone around me apparently is seeing that is so great. I need enlightenment. Please enlighten me.
I know! How did anyone think that was a good movie. I think people liked it because they thought they were supposed to, but strip away that thick gooey veneer of nerd chic, and the whole thing was embarrassing to watch. So awful.
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