Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Bored Room

I know what you are all thinking, "Wow, 3 blogs in one week! What did we do to deserve this?" I assure you that you are not being punished, I have just been especially bored lately. My mom always teases me when I complain about being bored. "OH NO!" she says. "That is a fate worse than death for you." And I have to truthfully respond to her now with an "almost." Boredom is the worst, and it is hard for me, because I suffer from ADD. I have been able to control it up to the point where I can function somewhat in society, but oh look oreos, I need some milk. HAHA! ADD humor! I guess the point I am trying to make here is that my attention span leaves a lot to be desired.

I really need something exciting to happen in my life on a pretty regular basis. Right now I am past due for something crazy fun. Don't get me wrong. My life is awesome. I have the best family and the coolest friends. We have fun all the time. If my entire life was being awesome with my friends and family I would have nothing to complain about. The awesomeness of my friends and family just make the moments of boredom worse. I have been spoiled into thinking that life should be a party all day every day. I really think it should and could be. But I have been home working for several months now, and the routine is starting to get to me. If something exciting doesn't happen soon my head may explode, which would admittedly be very exciting, though not helpful, because I would be dead.

Therefore I need to start planning exciting things instead of just sitting here writing in my blog. Look, a Balloon T-Rex!

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