Do not ask me "What are your thoughts on the evolution of the Roman Empire throughout it's history?" and expect an answer other than "Well, I think it's funny they all wore togas." Technically that isn't even wrong, because you asked me what I thought.
Apparently teachers believe that they know what I am thinking better than me. They tell me, "No, your thoughts are that 'The evolution of Rome is symbolic of all empires and shows us that even in the most sophisticated of cultures have a barbaric side, and all dynasties eventually meet an end.'" Ah! See, because I thought that I was thinking that other stuff. It is nice of you to get in my head and show me what really is going on up there! Apparently, I am incredibly smart. If I could learn to tap into my own brain, I would be unstoppable!
I guess what I am really trying to say is that teachers need to be more specific about what they're looking for when they write questions.
Or maybe your grade is based on your lack of thought :-P