Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fortunate Son

Today is awesome. Number one, it is my parents anniversary. The celebration of the formation of our family. It also happens to be Pi day. A day to celebrate pi, sure, but also a day to celebrate PIE. I love pie. It is my favorite dessert. My Mom also happens to make the best pies. Is this a coincidence? Yes. Yes it is. But it is a hilarious and awesome coincidence. This day needs TRADITIONS!

You know what I want to try my hand at? Writing fortune cookies. How much fun could you have with that? Here are a few of my ideas:

Mary, I know what you did. You can't hide it from me.
(This might not make a lot of sense to a lot of people, but can you imagine if a woman named Mary got that cookie?)

Today is a good day to run away and join the circus, but if that's not your thing then I would, I dunno, be nice to others so they will be nice to you. There you go.

Commit to that goal you've been meaning to make. You'll die if you don't.

Today, you are the most awesome person in the world. Way to go!

Leave a good tip. These people work hard to give you good Chinese.

Some people are born with greatness. Others have greatness thrust upon them. Others get advice from cookies.

Do you have any sweet ideas?

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