Ah, the War on Christmas. Of course it has its place here.
Now, I consider myself a decent Christian. I am also a Christmas nut. I love this season. It is my favorite time of year despite the deathly cold. I just really, really don’t buy into this “War on Christmas.” Everywhere I go I hear people flipping out about how Jesus is disappearing from their Christmas. “WHERE IS HE!? WHERE IS JESUS!? IT IS CHRISTMASTIME! WHERE DID HE GO!?” I think maybe the problem isn’t that he is disappearing. I think that perhaps the problem is you are looking for him at the mall. Jesus isn’t at the mall guys. He never was. It isn’t his scene. I think that if you feel like Jesus is missing from your Christmas celebration, that says more about you than it does about everybody else. I never feel like he’s missing. He is always front and center in my Christmas. I know he is because I put him there. A line to see a guy dressed up like Jesus at the mall is a terrible idea. Am I the only one who sees the mixed messages that is bound to give children?
I don't think she is literally talking about "a line to see Jesus" as a guy dressed up like Christ. I felt that it's a message to inform us not to commercialize Christmas and to remember that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas, not presents and Santa. Although in our family we certainly celebrate both. My kids believe in Jesus Christ and know that is why we celebrate Christmas, but they also, except for the older two now, believe that Santa brought their presents. No harm in believing in either, in my opinion. :)