Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 8

This next song is another classic and I'm sure I would get a lot of crap for mentioning it if anyone actually read this:

So, this little boy goes to see Jesus and that is awesome. I approve of that story line. But why is he constantly making drum noises with his mouth after every phrase he speaks? I understand he likes to play the drum, but that kind of tick gets irritating. My brother plays the tuba, but he rarely makes tuba noises. I would punch him if he did. Out of love.

-Hey Zak! Bom Bom Bom Bom
Why are you doing that?
-I play the tuba! Bom Bom Bom
Stop. Stop now.
-Why? Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom
If you have to ask, you are too far gone.

Then, when he gets to the stable, he asks Mary if he can play his drum. That is very sweet. But then the song says "The ox and lamb kept time." I thought that the drum's job was just that. To keep the beat. This kid is THE drummer boy! And since when do random animals know how to hold a beat? This is where I started to get suspicious about the whole song. I don't think this drummer boy was even real! Why would they lie about that!?

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